Dream – Man Up Monday – 02-01-2016


The hardest decision u will ever face in life is whether to give up or try harder. Am I really hearing from God or am I tripping?

I mean, how long can I keep believing in something before it’s just stupid?


Right now there’s a 45 year old man in New York or Atlanta trying to get you to buy his mix tape so he can make it big.


Don’t be that guy.


But seriously, how do you know whether you are a visionary or just plain delusional?

Every Genius was once called crazy and every crazy person thinks they’re a genius. And everybody thinks they’re right.


But what about you? What about your dream? How do you know if 2016 is the year that you really give it all you’ve got or if it’s simply the year that you should cut your losses?


Guess what…?

I know the answer…


Here is a fool proof way to know if what you’re doing is truly from God or if you just made it up yourself: Try to give it up.


Try to do something else with your life. If you can be successful and fulfilled in another career, another passion, another life, then there’s a good chance that you weren’t called to this one.


But if you try to walk away and it just keeps nagging you, you don’t have peace, you can’t stop thinking about it, you’re always coming up with new ideas about how to make it happen, then I’ve got good news for you: that’s it!!!!


Congratulations! Now you know the truth. If you know that you couldn’t go a day without the thing that you’re passionate about then pray about it and pursue it until your dying breath. Because giving up on a dream like that would be dying anyway…






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