“Is There Power in the Power Ball?”
The Power Ball lottery has hit 1.3 Billion… and people are losing their minds.
Saints and sinners alike are talking about what they would do, what they would give up and who they would be willing to betray, just to get a piece of the 1.3 Billion dollar pie.
While I do believe gambling to be inherently wrong, it is not my intent to demonize the desire to be rich. But let’s look at some of the REASONS why people want to be rich.
What does money represent? Power? Control? Joy? Happiness? What about freedom? Or fulfillment? If you won 1.3 Billion dollars tomorrow, how would your life change?
See here’s the thing, as Christians we have been filled with the Holy Spirit and we have access to all of the power that the Holy Spirit has. So, according to the Word of God, there is nothing that 1.3 Billion dollars can give us that Jesus didn’t already give us on the cross.
Money can buy a mansion, but it can’t turn a house into a home. So many celebrities are rich and famous but they can’t stay married to the one they were supposed to love. The Holy Spirit can bless you with the same mansion and give you the anointing to stay happily married in it.
So the next time you hear about the lottery and you get super excited about that 1.3 Billion, ask yourself if you’re really taking advantage of the Unlimited Resources that you already have…